Online Blackjack News
How Not to Play Blackjack
Jul 2011
Even though blackjack players like to brag about the game’s tiny house edge, throwing out the old “0.5%” number and muttering about basic strategy, it is more than possible to lose lots of many at a blackjack table. If …
Common Blackjack Mistakes
Jun 2011
Something about blackjack encourages people to at times play with less then ideal strategy. You hear more nonsense at blackjack tables than at slot machines–maybe it is the simplicity of the game or the appeal of the small casino edge. …
Blackjack Variations WorldWide
May 2011
The game of blackjack is a few hundred years old, though the game as it was invented is very different from the blackjack games we know and love. Games are like that–as they move from one region to another, they …
Best Blackjack in Las Vegas, 2011

Feb 2011
Note we have a more current article with updated recommendations here: Best Blackjack in Las Vegas, 2014
Great to know if you are going to Las Vegas and plan on doing some blackjack gambling. It really depends on your taste, …
Stanford Wong BJ21 Interview

Jan 2011
The final interview of our Best Blackjack Sites series is with Stanford Wong, a notable author and the owner of BJ21 .
Stanford Wong runs one of the most influential blackjack communities in the world, a pay membership message board …
What Are The Chances Infographic
Dec 2010
Have you ever wondered how likely it is that you’ll win the lottery, get struck by lightning or become a pro athlete? See the infographic below for the answers. Each pixel represents your chances. How lucky are you feeling?…
Ken Smith BlackjackInfo Interview

Oct 2010
The third interview in our Best Blackjack Sites series is with Ken Smith from BlackjackInfo.
Ken Smith’s Blackjack Info website is one of the premiere resources for advantage blackjack players. Blackjack Info has one of the most active blackjack forums …
Norm Qfit Interview

Oct 2010
Our second interview in our Best Blackjack Sites series is with Norm from Qfit.
Qfit is very well known by advantage Blackjack players as the go-to for Blackjack training software. Casino Vérité is their most popular software and it replicates …
Casino House Advantage Infographic
Sep 2010
Every wonder what the house advantage is on a particular casino game? Check out our infographic to find information on the best casino game to play as well as how you can potentially beat the house.…
Michael Shackleford Interview

Sep 2010
Here is our first interview in our series of interviews with webmasters that have created the best blackjack sites.
Michael Shackleford is the creator and webmaster of one of the most widely recognized casino strategy websites, Wizard Of Odds…